Case Study - Heritage Conservation Work
City Park Gate Repairs for Launceston City Council
In June 2011 Glasgow Engineering were contacted by Launceston City Council to see if they were able to make repairs to the City Park gates.
At some stage during the weekend someone had lost control of their vehicle and driven into one of the gate posts, knocking it over and causing a considerable amount of damage. Initial inspections showed that the damage was quite significant. Upon inspection by Glasgow Engineering personnel it was discovered the all four gate posts were cracked, damaged and corroded through the ravages of time. With one post only being held in place by a single ½ inch bolt that was almost rusted through. All four posts and gates were removed and returned to the factory works for repairs to be undertaken. The gates were originally cast by W H Knight and Sons’ Foundry in August 1903 and the erection of the gates were said at the time to give the Park entrance a considerably improved appearance.