Our History
Frank Hallam
Over the years Glasgow Engineering has trained many apprentices, many of whom, have moved on the bigger and better careers in and out of the industry, it goes to show that a repair work shop can turn out some highly skilled tradesmen, one such trades person was Frank Hallam.
1966 saw Jack Brabham defeat the world’s elite in Formula One motor racing with the assistance of the Australian auto parts manufacturer Repco Ltd the Chief Engineer in charge of the Repco Brabham engine project was Frank Hallam. Frank began working at Glasgow Engineering in 1936 as a fitter and turner and within two years had become leading hand. During his time with Glasgow Engineering Frank learned to improvise and adapt quickly to repair jobs. One such job was the rebuilding of engine components for the stricken apple freighter Clan Robertson. Engine spare parts that were onboard at the time were actually for another engine. Frank was required to re-machine these parts to make them fit, with the vessel sailing three days later. Frank stated in his book that he had left Glasgow Engineering in 1941with the skills that he had developed at the works, and that he utilized throughout the rest of his working life.