Our History
The Golden Gate Mine
In February 1900 Bogle and Clark were contracted to supply a large boiler to the Golden Gate Mine at Mathinna. The new boiler, weighing 14 tons, left the company works in William Street on the 29th March and was drawn by an 8hp traction engine and 14 bullocks, it arrived at Mathinna on the Thursday 12th April 1900 taking two weeks to reach the destination by road. The mine at Mathinna was the second largest in Tasmania with the main shaft reaching a depth of 1902 feet. The record of the Golden Gate mine shows that from 1891 to 1904 276,079 tons were treated for a yield of 231,494oz. Gold and £355,200 paid in dividends. By 1932 when the mine closed the total of gold recovered from the mine was 253865 ounces or $348 867 787.44 in today’s money.
Excerpt from the Examiner 17th
April 1900
The new boiler supplied by Messrs. Bogle and Clark, of Launceston to the Golden Gate mine arrived safely on Thursday. It bad been a fortnight on the road, and was drawn by an 8-h.p. engine and 14 bullocks. The boiler weighs about 14 tons. Fortunately the roads were good, or there would have been trouble to get it to its destination. A cutting at the top of Dunn Street, which would incur a very small expense, would open up a splendid communication with the mine. The steep pinch at the top at present makes the road useless for heavy traffic.