Dales Of Derby

Location: Derby, Tasmania
Scope: Group Accommodation, North East Tasmania.
Located in the picturesque region of northeast Tasmania, Dales Of Derby is a home away from home and a place to stay next to the river on the edge of town.
An introductory building to Derby, the gable roof suggests a link to the local mining history, calling to mind utilitarian tin miner accommodation, high country slab hut or tractor shed.
Facilitating large groups, the building presents a series of varied experiences, perhaps even evokes a certain memorable naivety of fun, friends, kids, and a splash of primary colour, a splash in the river, a fireplace, a place to remember.
The built form is a singular functional object separated into pieces and strung out across the hill between road and river.
Gaps become significant framing moments of eucalyptus forest while nighttime gable lighting castes a permanent golden hue to greying timber walls; a memory of the raw timber cut, glowing on the outskirts of town.
Architects: http://www.pmd.net.au/ Philip M Dingemanse Architecture + Design
Products Supplied: 1 x Cheminees Philippe Radiante 846 3V
The Radiante 846 3V has created a new world of fireplace design with its intriguing and impressive triple sided firebox. A stunning visual and high performance heater, the Radiante 846 3V is a triple sided firebox that is admired for its uniqueness and strong heating ability.
Awards: Awarded 2019 Tasmanian Architecture Awards The Barry McNeill Award For Sustainable Architecture,
Awarded 2019 Tasmanian Architecture Awards, Award For Commercial Architecture
Awarded 2019 Sustainability Awards, Commercial Architecture (Small)
Honorable Mention 2019 International Design Awards